Monday, December 27, 2010


"Everybody talks about changing the world but nobody talks about changing oneself…"

Today is the 96th day of our plan that we have marked for the Training. It is quite simple as we have already discussed the big picture. Now we will just fill in the blanks with the missing links and threads wherever necessary. (Click on the title to learn about some interesting methods of Training)

To start with we will define and design a Training plan for self only. As we cannot change anybody else, we will try to change modify, improve our own being to make it more sustainable…!

There are three types of training we should get into
1. Learning from the individuals – Trying to cultivate the values of our idols and inspirations into ourselves
2. Learning from the incidences – During or after any incidence, analyzing it for an insight
3. Learning from the resources – Newspaper, Books, Internet, Media and course materials

This indeed is a tough job as we are not supposed to just learn it as sitting in a classroom but you are supposed to play the student, the teacher, the instructor and the evaluator. Not only that but once the lesson is learned it needs to be engraved and for the skills part they need to be exploited, sharpened and updated on almost daily basis.

Start this step with conducting a very stern and neutral SWOT analysis of yourself. (SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) The results would point to the areas that need immediate attention and appropriate action. This automatically will cast your Training Plan. Take a sheet of paper and title it ‘My Training Plan for 2011’ or ‘Things I need to Learn in 2011’ if you like using vivid colors. List each and every thing that you realized in the past 12 months that you must, brainstormed for this purpose and as a result of the SWOT test. If necessary take additional sheets of papers and take as long as you need to finish it but do not restrain or truncate the list for any excuse. This list would mark you Road Ahead for 2011…!

Don’t freeze or lock this list or plan considering it comprehensive. Always keep it open and flexible so that you can add or take out items from it as your being evolves on a minute-to-minute basis. For a better understanding of this always remember the nature’s law of impermanence. Not only you but everything in this universe, however tiny or voluminous, is changing every moment demanding flexibility and acceptance of CHANGE – the only permanent thing…!

Tomorrow we will get into action by INVOLVING ourselves into the ACT physically, mentally and spiritually…! Stay tuned…!

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