Monday, December 27, 2010


Without your involvement you can’t succeed...
With your involvement you can’t fail...~!~
(Click on the title for some more insightful quotes by Dr. Abdul Kalam)

Day 97 – To develop, improve and evolve a new beginning of your being, involve your body, mind and soul in the process and don’t just be a dreamer, thinker or observer.

Today we will get into the action by making ourselves engaged and involved in whatever plans we have drafted. This is the most crucial step of the Platinum Plan as it will mark the beginning of the actual progress towards our goal. This first and small step would eventually lead to the manifestation of the dream we are viewing. Pull up your socks, get ready for the action and march towards your goal.

To succeed with goal setting you must first establish a goal-setting routine that is based on proven principles, which will keep you motivated and progressing forward towards a success you define. Once you have learned this effective goal-setting process, you must continue with it and regularly review your goals, and your routine, in order to stay focused. A regular review increases your ability to make your goals a reality, because you are more capable of performing actions you are familiar with than actions that are unfamiliar. It will keep your goal-setting routine in focus, familiarize you with the success life you desire, and keep you on the path to that success.

The practice of goal setting is really an art. It is a learned human skill that can be extremely powerful and rewarding. Mastering goal setting will prove invaluable as you work towards every achievement, whether large or small, throughout your life. Once goal setting is mastered it becomes a way of life. You will pursue your goals with confidence, and literally control your destiny. No longer will you wonder what the outcome will be – you will be in control…!

And always remember…
It's not the critic that counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or whether the doer of deeds could have done them better...The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust, and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and often comes up short again and again. Who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause. And who, if at best in the end, knows the triumph of higher treatment and high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly so that his soul shall never be with those cold and timid ones, who know neither victory nor defeat.

- Theodore Roosevelt

All the best and stay tuned for the number game tomorrow…!

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