Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just a Moment...!

I just heard somewhere

“It's About TIME...Track It, Save It, Turn It into Money…!”

Today, on the 98th Day of our Platinum Plan we will try to understand why numbers are so important i.e. why you should have a stringent timeline in terms of hours, days, weeks, months whatever that has a rock-hard deadline. (Click on the title to read a beautiful article about 'Time is Money')

Well to understand this concept we will assume a case of Mr. X who wants to be a billionaire…

One fine morning Mr. X got up with a dream of being a billionaire. Mr. X said to himself

“I want to be a billionaire…”

And closed his eyes, waited for a minute expecting to find himself in his Rolls Royce accompanied by Mr. Bill Gates, heading to his own Royal Palace for an exclusive pre-premiere of Steven Spillberg’s yet to be released movie…

Now can you guess what he saw when he opened his eyes…?!? A yelling wife in front of him, scolding him for being lazy and useless, as usual…!

What’s the morale…? It’s a crime to dream…? It’s foolish to visualize yourself as a Royalty…? Nah... Not at all! In fact everybody borne human has a potential to become a rich and successful person before dying. Then what’s wrong with Mr. X? Nothing! Let’s just get back to his dream…

Any wish is a dream unless it is written down, then it becomes a goal…!

So merely “I want to be a billionaire” is quite a foolish and childish DREAM. Let’s make a GOAL out of it…

“I shall be a billionaire…” Is that OK? Well, it’s better. But just better not how it should be…! So what is that still missing? Two things –

First – the tense – why shall, why future? It automatically keeps that thing on a hold in the list of ‘Things-to-be-done’ (At some point of time). Whatever is kept for future with a prefix of shall, will, would remain there forever – untouched. Fix this tense, once and for all, by using a continuous present tense as if that thing is already happening for all the goal setting things.

What Mr. X should say to himself is
“I am being a billionaire…” That sounds good but not good enough.

An important part is still missing which is the subject matter of this post! When…?!? Now rephrase the dream of Mr. X by converting it to a SMART goal and he will say… (What is SMART? Well we'll see to it later)

“I am being a billionaire by the end of 2015…”

See, how that sounds… Great, awesome, perfect…! This could be considered as a good plan. That number of 5 years made all the difference by giving the goal a dimension of a plan, isn’t it?

And it’s not only about time, apply this principle to anything that has a number and you will find out for yourself it is always ‘Cheaper by the dozen’…! By the way, have you read it yet? If not, include that in your list of things-to-do-at-the-earliest…!

Get your math right and I shall see you tomorrow…! Stay tuned…!

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