Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry X'mas...!

Alright, so today is 95th Day of our last 100 days of this year. We have marked this day for Aspiration and coincidently it is Christmas…! What an apt occasion for making new plans and viewing fresh dreams! Christmas, as it is, is the festival of renewal, revival, regeneration and reincarnation. We will not find a better time in the entire year, than this day to plan for the future while celebrating the present…!

Okay, so to go ahead with this, we again will use the same pattern as for the review and celebrations. We will breakup our objective (Click on the title to learn more about Objective) into three, instead of four, segments for Aspiration.

1. Personal – Under this write down all the things you need to accomplish in next 12 months on a personal level. This list would be titled as ‘Personal Objectives for 2011’. It should include things like
a. Attaining a perfect physique in pink of health with the help of a complete health-check, appropriate clock-work, balanced and healthy diet, regular exercise and workout. Make it a point to understand the messages from your different metabolic systems and act accordingly. Healthy mind resides in a healthy body, so make sure you are physically healthy to start with.
b. Your brain is to your persona what your heart is to your body. It cognizes, analyzes, stores and repulses all the knowledge or information that contributes to your unique identity. Exercising of brain is equally or even more important as exercise of body. No person could be considered Alive and Aware if either the heart or the brain is not performing normally and nobody could be a Genius or even Excellent if the brain is not outperforming the other brains in the vicinity. Take deliberate efforts to keep your brain updated, smart, sharp and creative…!
c. When the body and the mind are perfectly aligned and working in the right direction the burden on the soul is already lessened at large. Still you need to engage yourself in regular mediation activity of your choice and belief to progress on the spiritual or nonmaterial path. This not only provides you with the ultimate, unconditional peace of mind but also boosts your attitude and energy levels to outperform everybody else as you have surpassed the misery of attachment and enlightened with the wisdom of uncertainty.

2. Professional – If you got the first one right the remaining two are quite simple and could be stated in a single line. Once you attain the realization and control of your being, you have already mastered the present and sown the seeds of success. Nature, in its course, is bound to nurture and cultivate those seeds and the future will flourish almost naturally. Just write down a one line ‘Professional Objective for 2011’ in form of where you want to be at the end of 2011. Use all your imagination and creativity to describe this ‘where’ and don’t forego the slightest detail and you are done…!

3. Social – This is the third corner of the triangle and it is ought to fit in place when the other two are well-placed. This would be the shortest ‘Social Objective for 2011’ as you are already doing well personally and professionally. All that is required to finish writing this is a little generosity, a good amount of nobleness and reflective awareness. Only these three will spell the social aspect of your aspiration for the next 12 months.

Well, as they say, it’s easier said than done and everything looks great and impeccable on paper. It’s of no use having a well-formatted and presentable ‘Objective’ document unless you work accordingly. That is exactly what we will discuss tomorrow, the step-by-step execution of our P-L-A-N…! Stay tuned...!

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