Friday, December 24, 2010

Celebration of Gratitude...!

Okay, so today is the 94th day and according to our Platinum Plan it’s the Day for a review and recall. We will collect the triumphant moments from last 12 months to celebrate our excitement...! (Click on the title to experience Celebration)

Well, again we will make four departments for these golden celebration moments

1. Personal – For over last 12 months, make a note of each and every, however tiny or great, improvement or materialization/realization of anything that gave you a feel of pure contentment and proud of being yourself even for fraction of a second. Don’t miss out anything by assuming it as irrelevant or insignificant. Just think of things that made you feel triumphant on a personal level in terms of physique (Body), intellect (Mind) and spirit (Soul). It may include a regular morning exercise you have taken up lately OR a school/class you’ve joined for learning/mastering a skill/technique OR philosophy you started to explore and might found answers to your eternal questions to some extent. Anything! Don’t waste time in analyzing/weighing and scrutinizing such things on any parameter other than your approach, intention and action towards it. It’s enough even if you did your first day exercise for only 15 minutes. Never mind the length of it just take the note of inspiration that manifested.

2. Professional – This should be simpler compared to personal as it is more gross than subtle! The yardstick for the measurement of professional accomplishment is based on three simple factors – the amount of job satisfaction you were able to increase, the level of appreciation of your jobs done by others and financial freedom/stability you have progressed towards. Even a single small, baby step on any of these paths should be considered as achievement on the professional front. If you find yourself in a better control of your timetable and managing the time well, consider it as a bonus and award yourself with three stars…!

3. Family and Friends – The audit of near and dear ones is always a difficult and complicated task owing to its ever-changing nature and number of contexts and governing factors. Having said that the moments from last 12 months to be celebrated from this area needs to be handpicked meticulously. Consider every peaceful, harmonious, fruitful, enriching and soothing interaction with any of the family member, friend or relative as happy and successful. Don’t get into details for analyzing the nitty-gritty of the incidences if they qualify the basic criteria of being successful. First we will celebrate those moments on the ending notes of the current year and then only we will proceed to think of improving/bettering them so that we don’t lose what we already had.

4. Society – This will cover the entire spectrum surrounding you excluding the above mentioned elements. It will start from the lane or road in your residential address where you are dwelling and then will expand to encompass the surrounding area, the city, the state, the country, the continent, the globe and finally the universe or cosmos. Try to remember every single thing you did that made a difference in terms of betterment to any of the above list. It could be a little philanthropy, it could be a small act of awareness, it could be an initiative that has a noble cause, it could be helping hand extended to anything for any reason, it could be being just when and where needed or it could just be listening patiently to an old person… Whatever small deed towards the mankind or planet you find gratifying put it on the list.

Once your list is complete, no matter how short or long it is, start celebrating by offering gratitude to each of those moments and feel free to allow as many last-minute additions to the list as possible to multiply the thrill and gratefulness…

Merry X'mas and continue partying till we think about 'OBJECTIVES' tomorrow… Stay tuned...!

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