Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just 8...!?!

Dear All,
Long time no see…! I admit I was kind of derailed for some time as I was going through the biggest, most voluminous and decisively significant transformation process of my life. I was quite swept away with the happenings that almost caught me unprepared and shaken my fundamental beliefs and faiths. Anyway, I am out of those transformation blues finally, which occurred for my betterment I believe, and decided to get over it and move on. From today you can expect a post from me on daily (almost) basis…!?!

Anyway, if you remember my ‘100 Days’ post on 23 Sept 2010and followed the timeline by keeping track of countdown, you would be well aware of the fact that today, 23 Dec 2010 is the 92nd day of those 100 days…! Just 8 more days to go…!

(Click on the title 'Just 8' to watch a Vlog by Robin Sharma on Making Best of Next 12 Months)

Don’t’ worry; starting today, we will try to make most of these 8 days before the calendar transition takes place. However busy and preoccupied you might find yourself with all that holiday and festival preparations, take out time for the steps I am going to share for next week if you are really resolute to make the next year the best one of your life…!

Well, we have got exactly 7 days to be precise as today and the 31st would be of little use as today will be mainly invested in digesting the action-plan and 31st would be quite light and freaky to mind anything serious by keeping vigilant.

So our Platinum plan goes like this –

1. P – Preparation – (Day 93) Today we will prepare ourselves by reading and examining the plan
2. L – Logbook – (Day 94) Study the diary of last year for achievements and successes to celebrate.
3. A – Aspiration – (Day 95) Define the Objectives in terms of ambition for the next 12 months.
4. T – Training – (Day 96) Resolve on things that need to be learnt in the next 12 months on all three fronts – Personal, Professional and People. Design a plan to train yourself.
5. I – Involve – (Day 97) To develop, improve and evolve a new beginning of you being involve your body, mind and soul in the process and don’t just be a dreamer, thinker or observer.
6. N – Number – (Day 98) Design a plan based on numbers i.e. having a stringent timeline in terms of hours, days, weeks, months whatever that has a rock-hard deadline.
7. U – Umpire – (Day 99) Deliver according to the designed plan by playing both player as well as umpire for yourself. Enforce the rules to progress towards the objective.
8. M – Mindful – (Day 100) Be attentive, aware and alert for every moment so that you don’t get carried away by diverting from the game-plan and reach the destination of your dreams.

From tomorrow we will discuss in detail the step for that day…

By the way, thanks a zillion for your love, support and appreciation expressed in your lovely mails that are overflowing in my mailbox. And don't forget to check out my redefined new web-symbol on the right side for Profile link. Need I say your comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated...?!?

Stay tuned...!

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