Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Presentation - II

Basics of Presentation

Naturally much how you go about preparing depends on what kind of presentation you are going to make, how you feel about your subject, who your audience is and what method you are most comfortable with. If you have got a way of preparing presentation and your method works, great, nothing like that. Stick to it and take all the efforts to better and improvise it the next time. If you are the beginner and preparing for your first presentation, do some self-examination and find out what style and method suits your personality and try to adopt it. In the process you will develop your own style and method that will comfort you while bearing the fruits.

According to Hindu Philosophy anything in the universe passes through THREE phases of being generated, in operation and getting destroyed. This philosophy supports the name given to all the deities – GOD! G – Generator - the deity Brhama creator of whole universe, O – Operator - the deity Vishnu one who looks after the universe, D – Destroyer - the deity Shiva can destroy anything with the power of his 3rd eye. Similarly every Book, Play, Song and Speech or any expressing act for that matter has a beginning, middle and closing. This is an eternal successful formula which need not be improvised. Audiences and readers like structure in the books and the presentations they attend. Here are the Three parts spelled out more clearly –
1. The Beginning grabs your audience’s attention
2. The middle provides your audience with some key ideas or skills to think about and act upon.
3. The closing enables your audience to think and perform in a different way.

Remember these basics for any presentation and we will proceed to steps for a successful presentation, tomorrow.

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