Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Presentation - III

SIX Steps to a Successful Presentation

1. Establish objectives for the presentation
What is the PURPOSE of your presentation?
What is your bottom line message?
What facts do you want them to learn and recall?
What value(s) do you want your group to leave with?
What action do you want them to take?

2. Analyze your audience
Use an interactive form to collect information about your audience
Why YOU are selected or elected for this presentation?
What would be the anticipated size of the audience?
What is the mutually beneficial factor – the common thread?
What tools and equipment are available to you?

3. Prepare a preliminary design or plan for the presentation
This is your presentation agenda with an outline including key messages and activities
Determine in advance how you will handle issues like unrelated questions, difficult or demanding attendees, problems with facility or equipment (to name a few)

4. Select resource material for the presentation
Put some time and effort to research and analyze the subject matter
Get some relevant and catching pictures and graphics for your visual
Consider adding a continuous running movie as Header or Footer
If it is for any Brand focus on the continuous visibility of the brand/logo
Use some statistics to reinforce your statements

5. Organize the material for an effective presentation
Arrange and rearrange the sequence until you find it most effective
Crosscheck for all the fonts, images and movie clips are in place and running ok
Make sure the flow of the materials matches your objectives for the presentation
Run the test show on different machines with different configurations and screens
Check to make sure the materials are consistently formatted and attributed

6. Practice the presentation in advance
Practice helps you to become familiar with your underlying message(s), values and your overall pacing and diction.
In spite of the glares, DO NOT hesitate to rehearse your presentation anywhere at anytime
Invite friends and buddies to act as your audience and encourage them to ask questions, however stupid it may seem
Never try to make the notes by heart, try to understand them instead. You can always improvise the concept with reference to the time, spot and current situation

Tomorrow we will proceed to the types of Presentation.

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