Monday, March 8, 2010

Presentation - I

So far we learnt the basics of two types of documentation processes.
1. Typing and formatting Text to prepare documents
2. Using spreadsheets for the statistical data to generate tabulated info, charts and graphs

Today let’s move ahead to Presentation, the most important skill and tool to generate, share and make your ideas, knowledge and proposition most effective and widespread. Before proceeding let’s try to analyze the very concept of Presentation.

What is a Presentation?
No matter what form and tool it takes, presentation simply means expressing your Profile, Proposition or Prospect in the most creative, credible and convincible manner with a clear objective and detailed preparation. Let us take all the point in consideration one by one.

It could be of an individual, a company, a body, an organization, an initiative or any entity that is aspiring of achieving its objective with the help of communication.

Any plan, scheme, proposal, anticipation, intention, offer or any idea waiting to be manifested and realized with effective application of mission statement.

Any subject, object, product, service, course, material, system, process, structure or any visualization that needs to be offered to grab attention and appreciation.

The most talked about but less practiced approach to virtually anything! It is being extremely original and resourceful in your every act and activity.

Being Credible is more about perception and cognition. It takes honesty, believability, passion and confidence about the subject matter and respect about audience.

If you can’t make your addressees buy your point, how would you make them to buy your Profile, Proposition, Prospect or Product? Convincing is imperative!

The very purpose of anything to be conveyed, may it be a document, presentation, visualization or simple initiative! Find the Purpose, means will follow…!

The most ingenious yet most ignored element of any effort instrumental in its success or failure. In plain school words – Home Work! If you do not complete it in a clean and neat style you don’t get the stars! Simple…!

Tomorrow we will try to learn some Basics of Presentation.

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