Sunday, March 7, 2010

Excel - VII

In a Nutshell

Excel is the most vast and comprehensive application from the MS Office suite. What is the potential of Excel is simply beyond the scope of this article! But here we can get a simplified brief of what Excel is all about.

1. First thing Excel does is it helps you get rid of the calculator
a. Use simple formulas for simple calculations and keep your results updated.
b. Different functions under various categories can perform complex operations.
c. Get the statistics not just right but updated to the last minute or even second.
d. Cross-links and inter-sheet references can use the data spread all over the workbook.
e. With apt function get time spend on a project or interest paid for a loan with just a click.
2. The structure of excel, combination of horizontal Rows and vertical Columns generate
a. Enormous no. of cells for virtually any size of data to fit in a worksheet
b. With Auto Fill feature, you can add Standard and Custom lists by typing just first letters
c. For easy navigation and control freeze panes with header (title) rows or columns.
d. Every cell in a worksheet has a unique address that makes moving in worksheet easy.
e. Use Conditional Formatting for shading and highlighting cells belonging to given criteria.
3. Generate and add stunning Graphs and Charts to elaborate the point
a. Excel generates quick Charts / Graphs from the selection
b. The look, feel and structure of Charts / Graphs can be easily customized with Format.
c. Graphs / Charts are linked to the data which means it gets updated with change in data.
d. Charts can be printed to any required size on any desired media.
e. Being Vector-based, quality of Graphics in a Chart is good enough for viewing/printing
4. Analytics with Excel are simply superb
a. Features like Pivot Table are handy for rearranging and analyzing data as desired.
b. Interactive and dynamic characteristic of Functions and formulas makes statistics easy.
c. Validating feature of the data gives you control of maximum accuracy and zero error.
d. Imported data from other applications can be customized according to categories.
e. Tools like Sort and Filter rearrange the data in desired sequence / criteria.
5. Your sensitive and crucial data in Excel is safe as you can
a. Hide the rows and columns that you don’t want to display.
b. Wipe out the selected data making it invisible yet available.
c. Protect your worksheet/workbook with a password
d. Lock or block the contents of selected cells to avoid accidental loss of data.
e. Automatically save / recover workbook in case of accidental closure
6. Printing and saving with Excel
a. Print preview can be used to control the appearance of the printed sheet
b. Decide what is to be printed in the Print dialogue with Range / Pages / Sheets / Selection
c. You can adjust the Scaling option or Fit to option to ensure nothing is omitted in print
d. Add Headers and Footers to all the sheets – either from the list or Customize your own
e. Excel supports different formats for saving a workbook including flexible CSV format
7. Excel works for you as a statistician and record keeper
a. Store huge data in a single worksheet
b. Use functions from various categories to make the equations and analyze results
c. Take care of validity and relevance of the data with no. of analyzing features
d. Keep track of gigantic data by Validation, Consolidation and What-If analysis
e. Get a real picture of the status with vivid Charts, Graphs and SmartArt Graphic

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