Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Dear All,

Illiterate is not the person who can not read or write,
but the one who is not willing to learn, unlearn and relearn!

Unlearn is a metaphor that always fascinated me. The very concept of undoing is always sadly mistaken for something negative or seriously wrong. Although in real life there is no means by which things could be undone, still there are people in abundance who crave to ‘undo’ no. of things every single day! Some of them even earnestly wish to undo their entire past…

Human is neither a computer application nor a structure and hence it is almost impossible to undo or demolish the past and rebuild it. The only option available for living creature is to improve the presents by restructuring elements and head for future perfection! This definitely is a concurrent process which is not easy but not impossible all the same.

The equivalent of ‘undo’ from virtual life could be UNLEARN from the real world! Unlearning should be spontaneous, intuitive and self-paced vis-à-vis learning or relearning which comparatively is easy, passive and ordinary to some extent.

We will try to explore the details of similar theories day-by-day at this place with the help of
- Concepts
- Stories
- Fables
- Experiences
- Experiments

Everybody is requested to feel free, go ahead and share whatever you would like to about this.
Your inputs, feedback, comments and suggestions would be highly regarded.

This is it for the day, let’s take it forward tomorrow onwards…
Till then… Be Aware and live each moment to the fullest!

Stay tuned…

A fox looked at his shadow at sunrise and said, “I wil have a camel for lunch today.”
And all morning he went about looking for camels. But at noon he saw his shadow again—and he said,
“A mouse will do.”

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