Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Dear Mankind,

There were the days when we used to say ‘Let’s meet and plan something!’
Here are the days when we say ‘ Let’s plan and meet someday!’

What really has changed? Feelings, Emotions, Notions, Perceptions, Priorities.. or.. V-a-l-u-e-s?

Appreciation compliments nothing but monetization…
Faith is still there but has been sadly misplaced…
Gratitude no more rhymes with Attitude…
Integrity is so puzzled in absence of it’s usual companions that it did not recognize itself…
Intimacy* comes bundled with mutual benefit with a tiny star over it’s head that reads ‘Conditions Apply’…
Love, the eternal bliss to the Being, has shrunken to merely two-to-three and that too is on terms…
Praise doesn’t necessarily looks for worthiness anymore…
Sensitivity once supposed to be the distinct characteristics of human, now seems so scarce that it is as good as extinct…
Truth is dead and gone may be with the dinosaurs…

Where have we started…?
What was our objective…?
Why we took the path we have taken…?
Who was forcing us to take this path…?
What was our motive behind all this…?
Can we analyze progress, development, evolution…?

And if THIS is it,


If you started feeling this is too philosophical or idealistic and leading nowhere…
Watch this Space…
We will ultimately have some real USEFUL stuff right here…

Good Day!

Stay tuned…

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