Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why me...?

Dear All,

..Why me…
..Only if I had…
..Life is not fair…
..I hate family gatherings…
..Nothing can be changed…
..I am fade up of the routine…
..The whole system is corrupted…
..Why we can never manage to win…
..How can unworthy people get so much…
..I work very hard, but the luck in never on my side…

How many times we hear these and similar expressions..Or.. we ourselves express them?

What is the reason behind this?
We can get into the depths of it, only if we dare to…

Let’s see how far we can analyze this.

The first and foremost base of these excuses, complaints and grievances is in the mind programming
Whatever we listen, we learn and regard as the presumption of life.
Human brain takes the reactions and expressions as the formatting tools and hence defines the self-concept or Personality, as it is commonly known. There are no. of orders and commands in the early childhood of a person that sets the tone of his/her adulthood.
‘Don’t you do that…’
‘You will spill it…’
‘You can never do it right…’
‘You are hopeless…’
‘You will not manage it…’
‘You are so irresponsible…’
These are some of the expressions that has a long-lasting effect on person’s mental development.
And it doesn’t take a genius to state that all of these are Negative and Nagging instructions.

By this I don’t mean to say that never direct or instruct the child or anybody for that matter. Just be extremely positive and constructive in your remarks or criticism.
Let’s rephrase all the above expressions with a strong positive attitude…
‘Can you try a different approach…’
‘I believe you will carry it…’
‘Let’s learn what is the right way to do it…’
‘You are showing lot of improvement…’
‘I have confidence in you…’
‘Would you like to take the responsibility of…’

See! The matter is just of the RIGHT tone and expression which can set all the things right.

This is the FIRST fundamental cause of all the nagging behavior we witness every single day.

We will talk about the SECOND one tomorrow…

Till then, Be aware and take care!

Stay tuned…

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