Friday, December 11, 2009


Dear All,

Yesterday we discussed the self-concept or mind-programming as the first factor developing the resigning attitude in an individual. The elements of this factor were mostly external such as Parents, Relatives, Co-workers, Society and Circumstances in general.

The second factor, equally important, is more inward. Broadly it can be termed as the contribution of the individual towards his/her advancement as a mature, sensible and well-balanced adult. It could be formed with a combination of self-governing or self-motivating factors as –
- Desires
- Dreams
- Passions
- Ambitions
- Dedication
- Consistency
- Determination
- Aggressiveness
- Progressiveness

All the above factors can be summed up in a single trait which would help to form a reasonable person.
And it is called C-H-O-I-C-E!

A human being always has options and alternatives to choose from.
It is entirely a persons prerogative to go for one that suits his/her convenience.

Convenience or comfort-zone, as it is commonly understood, solely and exclusively directs the almost involuntary selection of the alternative as if it is inherent of the character. And here’s the crux of the matter! Indecisiveness, lack of confidence and failing to take a stand are the grounds on which breeds the convenience which manifests into laziness!

Stop being lazy, take the initiative. Initiative is doing the right things without being told!

Never rising up and submitting to the circumstance or influences eventually leads to depression and all the expressions discussed yesterday.
What you choose is what you get!
It is as simple as that. The comfort-zone would never allow you to grow in the true sense.

So to overcome the loosing attitude change you expressions to –

..I am the special one…
..I have everything it takes…
..Life is beautiful and I am grateful…
..I will meet and greet people…
..I have the full control of the situation…
..I feeling energetic and alive…
..Nothing can stop me, not even the system…
..Even if we loose, we never loose the lesson…
..I don’t bother who gets what…
..I will write my own fate…

So is this the receipe for SUCCESS, well… let us see… tomorrow!

Till then.. Be provoked and take initiative!!

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