Saturday, December 12, 2009


They say that nothing succeeds like success…
But then what is success? Is there any unique and approved definition of success?

What is the secret of Success… Right Choices
How to make right choices… with Experience
Where to get experience… Wrong Choices!

Will this suffice…? I guess not!
Let’s try to make a list of what could probably referred to as success.
Off course this is MY list, yours’ could be different, studied or more profound.
Please feel free to add, modify or completely replace this list. But if you agree to it, Just Do It!

Here we go…

Wake up in the morning without alarm is Success
Feeling grateful for having afresh day ahead is Success
Going for a morning walk and return fresh is Success
Finding yourself in tune with nature is Success
Having a schedule for the day is Success
Meeting and greeting people along the road is Success
Doing what you love to do is Success
Giving your 100% in whatever you do is Success
Being Creative in your chosen chores is Success
Contributing to make this world a better place is Success
Learn at least one new thing in a day is Success
Sharing what you have with others is Success
Reach out and facilitate something or someone is Success
Having people waiting for you beyond materialistic purposes is Success
Spending time with 'whom you love to' and not with 'whom you have to' is Success
Trying to bring glitter in someone’s eyes is Success
Taking it easy if there is no electricity or TV cable is Success
Not being panic if your phone doesn’t ring for 15 minutes is Success
Making new relations and nurturing the old ones without obligation is Success
Sparing time for your hobby every single day is Success
Having a neutral conversation with no strings attached is Success
Being on the path of perfection and realization is Success
Feeling grateful for having a beautiful and productive day is Success
Going to bed without pills or alcohol is Success
Having a dreamless sleep and fearless awakening is Success…

That’s all for today, Sleep well and Rise high…!

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