Thursday, October 3, 2019


This man is not just realizing and living Gandhiji’s dream of Gram-swarajya but is also helping the society to take a holistic perspective of life. This Seventh Grade educated Sarpanch of village Patoda in Aurangabad District of State of Maharashtra is imparting the practical knowledge of education, active participation, coexistence, good governance and agriculture market dynamics.

Apart from being an ISO Certified Grampanchyat, his village has received about 26 Awards and about 3 Crore Indian Rupees as token of appreciation of his efforts. I salute this Management Guru Mr. Bhaskar Pere who has transformed a small village of about 600 households and population of only about 3,500 that is today living an enriched and fulfilled life under his able guidance. India definitely needs more such villages than the broken cities that are on ventilator despite their ‘SMART-ness’!

Lest his language and mannerism that might sound little crude at times owing to his strong roots of typical rural Indian background, his ingenuity radiating wisdom of a Varkari is extraordinary. In a completely urban-dominated scenario and a self-centered destructive understanding of 'developed' life and times when nothing seems positive to look up to, this discourse is not only absolutely comforting and optimistic but it transfuses inspiration and motivation with each of its word. Believe it or not, this seemingly ordinary uneducated villager who would easily go unnoticed in any ‘conditioned’ environment, has learned life extremely well and also posses the acumen to present it brilliantly with excellence of an orator and composure of a philosopher without any flamboyance of being any type of Guru!

He talks about Anthropology, Education, Agrarian Economy and Models of Good Governance with the same flair and authoritative disposition. His own example fits on him best when he says that Jijau, mother of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj could spot the talent of a blacksmith for noticing the defilement in the sword iron just at a glance and appoint him the head of weaponry. Had this been that era of good governance, Jijau must have made Mr. Bhasker Pere Head of Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture, if not Minister of Agriculture, Finance or Human Resource Development. Alas, we have this FPTP (first-past-the-post) system of elective governance that can be manipulated and not the HTTP (no, not Hyper Text Transfer Protocol; honor-the-talent-performance!) selective system of governance.

May we see more and more such true philosophical leaders with practical approach that are truer in deeds than their words, transforming villages like Patoda leading from the front incessantly, selflessly and impulsively…!

Way to go...

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