Friday, September 27, 2019


Neither CSR is just about spending 2% of booked Net Profit nor Governance is about finding the reasons, analyzing the situations and get into the blame game in aftermath of a calamity by labeling it a natural disaster. If we are to accept that such horrid things, wherein living beings including citizens get drowned and things including cars disappear making people feel like refugees, happen because of the heavy downpour, illegal encroachments and blocking of drainage waterways… who is responsible for all this?

If nature has changed its course and behaving erratic of late, climate change is the culprit, alright. But what causes Climate Change? Is it global warming? Then what causes global warming? If people are forced to live on banks of a waste-water stream by encroaching the reserved space, isn’t something wrong with the Slum Rehabilitation and Redevelopment Schemes? If the natural course of even the river, forget the streams and trenches, is ‘adjusted’ to suit the ‘development’, who is to blame? If heavy downpour has caused this, so is the ostensibly compromised Slum Rehabilitation Schemes, so is the rampant developments carried out with stakeholder’s hand-in-glove and so is the irresponsible Corporate Governance of all relevant bodies and regulating authorities who pushed all this absolutely imminent catastrophe that must have been foreseen in the policy and practice, comfortably under the carpet.

Social Responsibility is neither about philanthropy nor is it a way to show your generosity to donate and offer help and aids - a noble gesture, nevertheless - during an aftermath of a disaster; it is about adapting ethical practices in purview of larger good, it is about designing, defining and ‘practicing’ policies for ‘our common future’ and moreover it is about being proactive about long-term consequences of short-term decisions and actions for ‘instant gratification’… the biggest enemy of sustainable development.

Whatever Pune has been put under for last couple of days is neither tolerable nor forgettable, it is absolutely unacceptable and Punkears who lost their dear-ones, their expensive possessions and valuable belongings like laptop and mobile phones with loads of important data directly related to their existence and livelihood, deserve an answer, not an explanation. And giving that answer by accepting all the wrongdoings that caused this havoc would be real Social Responsibility!

Please talk, we are listening…

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