Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Convocation...!

Remember my IEMBA post...? Here are some pictures of the convocation event that seemed more like a filmy award function (without any bodyshaking and mindslaughtering performances, thank GOD) with complete lack of ‘Management’ (!?!)

Mr. Salunkhe, being the modest businessman that he is, seemed more concerned about the branding and networking of his company than the products of it, Mr. Dirk - Dean of UBI was as enthusiastic and charming as ever though!
Anyway, I didn’t regret attending it as I had an opportunity to have a word with Shobha Dey, one of my favourite nonconformist authors. However I missed to discuss ‘Big Boss Season 3’ with Poonam Dhillon, another Celebrity at the event…!

The fervour of (Post) Graduating was quite comprehensible nonetheless and this should and would be just another milestone in the journey of learning I envisage.

Wish me luck and Stay Tuned...!

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