Saturday, September 15, 2012

Happy Engineers Day...!

To identify the great works done by our hard working engineers, each year 15th September is celebrated as Engineers' Day marking the Birth Day of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya, recognizing his contributions in the field of Civil Engineering in India. Today it gives us an opportunity to remember and cherish the works of Sir Visvesvarayya on the 152 birthday of this great son of India.
Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya is known to be the greatest engineers of all times, who with his vision and dedication in the field of engineering made some exceptional contributions to India. Owing to his contribution he was honored with the highest state award of India, “Bharat Ratna”, in the year 1955.
Engineer par Excellence
·         He was the chief engineer during the construction of Krishna Sagar dam on the Kavery River. Krishna Raja Sagara Dam is still praised by everybody visiting it which is a brilliant proof of his genius.
·         The Block System was invented by him, which was a system of automated doors that closed in the conditions of overflow. The automatic doors which he devised to stop wasteful overflow of water, the water supply and drainage system which he planned for the city of Aden won high praise from engineers all over the world.
·         Many dams built by him in Bombay are still functional even till today.
"The curse of our country is laziness. At first sight everyone seems to be working. But in fact, one man works and the others watch him. As someone said with contempt, 'it looks as if five men are working. But really only one man works. One man will be doing nothing. One man will be resting. Another man will be watching them. Yet another man will be helping these three."
A human Being with Profound Values
·         Courage: many of the projects completed by him that India stands proud of today, would not have existed if it was not his will and conviction.
·         Dedication to work: Nothing was able to deter Sir, from his commitment to good work, his work was his worship.
·         Fearless Patriotism: when it came to India, even high perks given to Sir, by the British Government were not enough for him; he opposed everything and anything that was against the favor of his nation.
·         Fitness: Even at the age of 92, he was never dependent on comforts; he would not only walk by himself, but, take full participation in all proceedings.
·         Neatness: Every person having met Sir MV, proudly remembers his neat and fine clothing.
·         Perfectionism: There are many examples to show that even a little task that he took up, always completed to perfection. Even if it was to deliver a speech, he would think in advance, write and rehearse no. of times.
·         Punctuality: he was very famous for his punctuality; he was never late even by a minute and expected his people also to realize the importance of time.
"Remember, your work may be only to sweep a railway crossing, but it is your duty to keep it so clean that no other crossing in the world is as clean as yours."
Scholarly Works by the Visionary
       Reconstructing India
       Year – 1920, Pages – 333
       Nation Building: A Five-year Plan for the Provinces
       Year – 1937, Pages – 75
       Reconstruction in post-war India: A plan of development all round Year – 1944, Pages – 50

Engineers operate at the interface between science and society…

Stay tuned and let's ENGINEER the future...!

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