Saturday, September 3, 2011

Three Stories...!?!

India was on fire with candles for last couple of weeks and on the occasion of Ganapati Festival, is feeling more triumphant than ever. This is just to make the people of India a little aware of the disposition of the professed victory over government and with Teacher's Day just around the corner, a sincere effort to get them on the REAL path…!

1. MEET JOHN DOE (1941)

A English movie written by Richard Connell and directed by Frank Capra goes something like this…

As a parting shot, fired reporter Ann Mitchell prints a fake letter from unemployed "John Doe," who threatens suicide in protest of social ills. The paper is forced to rehire Ann and hires John Willoughby to impersonate "Doe." Ann and her bosses cynically milk the story for all it's worth, until the made-up "John Doe" philosophy starts a whole political movement. At last everyone, even Ann, takes her creation seriously...but publisher D.B. Norton has a secret plan…


A Hindi movie written by Javed Akhtar and Directed by Tinu Anand has following theme...

A newspaper reporter exploits an ordinary man for few rupees to pose as a man who is fighting against the corrupt politicians and prints imaginary stories in his name to improve the circulation of her newspaper. People take him for real and he becomes a powerful leader of poor man. One day the paper prints a letter in his name that he is going to end his life fighting corruption. This puts the ordinary man in a fix. He knows that at this juncture he can't refute the accuracy of all those stories. He also realizes that he is the sole hope of millions. Finally, he buckles under moral pressure and jumps from an incomplete multi-storied building and ends his life…


“It is wrong to think that man is in the grip of determinism either of Karma or biology or environment. He is endowed with the power of choice. He can rebel and protest against unjust social order. The ethical basis of democracy is faith in the significance of man. The human person is not a mere wave on the ocean of history which fancies that it pushes the flood while it is carried on by it ... Man can cause new currents to surge up in history. It is from history that we learn nothing. Will man learn lessons from history and live with responsibility towards future?

The saga of scientific progress is spectacular and breath-taking. But morally the world has not registered an inch of progress since the birth of man. Man’s greed and selfishness increased in proportion to his material advancement. Consequently there is no guarantee that he will make a right choice and make the world safe for future. This should not be deemed as pessimism and that the world is steadily heading towards a certain doom. One bright thing about man, which ought to be borne ever in mind, is that he is different from nature and hence utterly unpredictable. No external force or necessity can ever drive him to the wall. He is essentially free, living in a dark cozy cell. He is the king of infinite time and space. His potentialities are unlimited. He can transcend his own limitations if only he wills…”

The end-product of evolution, according to Dr. Radhakrishnan, is a morally evolved society shaped evenly by freedom and responsibility. He calls it Brahmaloka. It is his equivalent of Gandhi’s Ramarajya. His ideal man is a holy man; a saint, not a genius or a man of power. His ideal man reshapes human institutions with freedom coupled with responsibility with compassion which embraces all. He does not work merely for his own salvation; he accepts to uplift the entire society around him. Thus he works for Sarvamukti – liberation of the community as a whole. He transcends his own limitations. Hence, he is unique and uninvolved.

“History”, says Radhakrishnan, “is a matter of unique individuals involved in unique events. It is those, who stand outside history that make history.” Dr. S. Radhakrishnan thought of an ordered society in which equality, liberty and fraternity are a really realized reality, a society, a haven of freedom, dreamed of by Rabindranath Tagore in his famous lyric beginning “Where the mind is without fear…!”

Source – TRIVENI – devoted to Art, Literature, History and Culture. Its main function is to interpret through English the creative writing in different languages in India to the people of all states and to the world outside.

Stay tuned and B-E A-W-A-R-E...!

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