Friday, September 2, 2011


Here is word-to-word meaning of Shri Ganapati Atharvashirsh for everyone to understand and then recite...!

O Lord Ganesha
I Pay my deep homage to you, the Lord of the Deva-Gana
You are the first facet of the Bramha-Tatva to arise
You have alone created this Entire universe
You alone can maintain this universe
You are indeed the all conquering supreme Lord
Indeed you are the "ATMA" II 1 II

Speak noble fact
Speak complete Truth II 2 II

Protect me
Protect the one who Describes you
Protect all who hear about your characteristics
Protect me & the disciples who are under Tutelage
Protect me from the obstacles (which arise during Rituals)
From the east (Similarly)
Protect me from the West,
From the North
From the South
Protect me from above & below
Protect me from all directions II 3 II

You are the constituent of speech
You are Joy & Immortal Consciousness
You are Truth, Mind & Bliss... one without a second
You are none other than divinity
You are Knowledge of Gross & Subtle types II 4 II

All the Universes manifest due to you
All the Universes are sustained by you
All the Universes get destroyed in you
All the Universes finally get merged in you
You alone are Earth. Water, Fire, Air & Either
You are the 4 types of speech & the root source of sound II 5 II

You are beyond the 3 'GUNAS', (Satva; Pure, Rajas: Activating & Tamas: Dull)You are beyond the 3 Bodies; (Gross, Subtle & Casual)
You are beyond Past, Present & Future (3 State of Time)
You are beyond 3 states of being; (Awake, dream & Deep Sleep)
You always Reside in the "MULADHARA" Chakra
You are the trinity of Power; (Creative Maintaining & Destructive Powers)
Sages always Meditate on you
You are the creator. Sustainer, Destroyer, The Lord of 3 worlds, Fire, Air, Sun, Moon, You are all inclusive & all Pervading II 6 II

After Describing the Characteristics & Cosmic Attributes Of Lord Ganesha, Atharvan Rishi Gives us the Sacred "GANESH VIDYA" i.e. the Mantra which Reveals the Sacred Form of Lord Ganesh. The Letter "GA" is to be enunciated, following by "NA" This one word Mantra is then Potentiated with the "PRANAVA" "OM". This is Sacred Mantra. (In order to make it Simpler, Atharvan Rishi Present the above easier FASHION, Remember that Knowledge was transmitted orally in those days.)
"GA" is the first part, "Na" is the middle & end "UM" formed by the bindu is conjoined with the foregoing & all of them form the Sacred word. This Mantra if pronounced properly, has the power of revaling The Divine Lord Ganesh, The sage who receives the Mantra is Ganaka & the Metre is "NICHRAT GAYATRI" The Diety is Ganapati. Om 'GANG' Ganapati My salutation to you II 7 II

Saying Thus, The Devotees should bow to the Lord.
Mediate on the single Tusked Lord, with bent Trunk
May He Grant Knowledge & Inspire me II 8 II

The "SAGUNA" Form of Lord Ganesha is presented in the above Shloka I salute the Lord with 1 tusk (Right side) Who has 4 hands; Upper Right carrying binding rope; Upper left hoalding goad; lower left carrying Broken tusk & the lower right blesses us, the mouse on his banner is also his vehicle. He is blood red in colour; Pot-Bellied; He has elephant ears & wears red clothes. He is smeared with red sandalwood & decorated with red flowers. He is eternally blessings his devotees & was existing before Cosmos. He is beyond "PRAKRITI" & "PURUSHA" & is ever creating universes. One who meditates on him constantly, is a Supreme Yogi II 9 II

Salutations to you Lord of all Deities, Ganas & all beings (Salutations To) The Post-Bellied one with 1 Tusk who destroys all obstacles, son if Shiva The Divine Lord who grants, Boons (We bow to you) Taking your name II 10 II

Stay tuned and we will talk about a movie tomorrow...!

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