Friday, August 13, 2010


In all the introductory psychology texts I tried to study and understand, insight gets mentioned only once or twice – in regard to Kohler's work with chimps and Freud's therapeutic goals – and then it is left unconnected to anything else. The interpretation we find is this:

Insight is the sudden recognition of relationships, based on unconscious associations.

The real meaning – as per Kohler, Freud, and Webster is this:

Seeing and understanding the true nature of something.

It is, in other words, a conscious recognition of "pre-associational" Gestalts or organized wholes. So the reason for insight not getting more attention is rather clear: The physiological, behavioral, and cognitive mainstreams of modern psychology don't deal with consciousness, Gestalts, or the conscious recognition of Gestalts.

Okay, let’s leave that complicated terminologies and psychological jargons aside and let’s try to make it simple by our usual way of learning – A Story…!

Once upon a time there were two donkeys who had never met but they were tied together.
They both wanted to eat off the bushes but the rope wasn’t long enough. They both really wanted to eat but hey just couldn’t reach so they just pulled and pulled hoping that the rope would stretch but it wouldn’t. The donkeys just gave up and fell in a big heap. Because they couldn’t reach the donkey just sat and introduced each other properly and tried to think of a way to eat? Then one suddenly clicked and said “now that were friends why don’t we just stand next to each other and take turns“so they did. They decided they’d eaten all they could from the other bush so they moved to the next and carried on all day. Now as we have Unlearned quite a few things, ignited our Fight and understood that even donkeys could have Insight so we can better have it… what next…!?!

Stay tuned and we will find out…!

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