Thursday, August 12, 2010


Yesterday we tried to learn the process of ‘Unlearning’…!
Today we will explore a phenomenal and revolutionary concept – F-I-G-H-T.

First let us read a short story…

He came home. Slammed the books down on the table, ran upstairs, slammed the door and broke down and cried. It was his 10th grade year.

His mother came in, and said, "Son...what's wrong?" Through a 15 year's old broken heart, he said-" I got cut. I didn't make the team. Said I was too small"

With incredible wisdom, the mother said, "Son, it's not the size of the person in the game. It's the size of the game in the person." She left.

It clicked. In a huge way. Like nothing had ever before.
The next morning it started. He got up at 4:30 am and started practicing, every morning, every evening, every day, every week, every month. Relentless, non-stop.

His Fight had ignited.

He would not be denied.

Through the snow, rain, sleet, ice, wind, hail, he kept practicing - gave up movies and things that he did before. The Fight kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And he kept saying, "It's not the size of the player in the game, but the size of the game in the player." Over and Over and Over.

And then it came around again. The Season! He tried out with a focus so strong that it intimidated even the coach. His Fight was at Peak Force. And he made the team.

The next year he made the team. And he went on to explode the FIGHT in him to where no one dared to stop him.

His name?

Michael Jordan... the greatest basketball player of all time who remains eternal source of inspiration to youngsters around the globe…

Fight – simply put is – Forcing Inside Garbage to Honour Truth…!

Ignite your FIGHT and you will find yourself... on the path of profound Insight!

We will talk about Insight tomorrow,

Stay Tuned...!

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