Sunday, March 10, 2024



"I named our nonprofit the Collective Intelligence Project, as a nod to the ever-evolving project of building collective intelligence for collective flourishing. Since then we've done just that, building new collective intelligence models to direct artificial intelligence, to run democratic processes. And we've incorporated the voices of thousands of people into AI governance..."
"Here are a few of the things we've learned. First, people are willing and able to have difficult, complex conversations on nuanced topics. When we asked people about the risks of AI they were most concerned about, they didn't reach for easy answers.  Out of more than 100 risks put forward, the top-cited one: overreliance on systems we don't understand..." 
"It is impossible to have any one of these things progress, safety or democratic participation without the others. If we resign ourselves to only two of the three, we will end up with either centralized control or chaos. Either a few people get to decide or no one does. These are both terrible outcomes, and our work shows that there is another way. Each of our projects advanced progress, safety and democratic participation by building cutting-edge democratic AI models, by using public expertise as a way to understand diffuse risks and by imagining co-ownership models for the digital commons..."
"As the Indian author Arundhati Roy once said, 
"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. 
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." 
I can hear our new world breathing. 
One in which we shift the systems we have towards using the solution of democracy to build the worlds we want to see. 
The future is up to us. 
We have a world to win..."

Indeed, you said it, Divya! 

Way to go...

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