Saturday, November 4, 2023


"Back in 1482, a young man heard that the region of Milan was looking for an engineer, so he did what job applicants do. He wrote down his skills and his objectives and how they related to the role in what is thought to be the first resume ever created. That young man was Leonardo da Vinci – the guy that painted the Mona Lisa. Yet if you took a look at his resume, you would never guess that he was capable of achieving any of those things..."
"As if, if we spend 20 more minutes on the resume, it'll somehow be perfect. It will become the ideal resume. As if the ideal resume exists. It doesn't, it's very subjective..."
"If this is all news to you and you're looking for a job, then you’re playing the job search game, and you don’t know the rules. Hardly anyone does. And the problem there is that AI still has a long way to go, and machine learning is nowhere near to making predictions on candidates’ success..."
"A resume doesn't do you justice if you have a non-traditional path. And a non-traditional path is now the norm..."
"Subsequently, it's all about building trust and a culture of belonging. If you ask any CEO about their culture, they'll say it's unique. But to apply to be a part of it is exactly the same as their competitors, which not only limits their options, they end up competing for the same type of talent which results in workplaces that lack diversity..."
"...And once employers realize this, then we'll begin creating workplaces that feel welcoming to candidates even before they join. Plus, it will give us enough time to rethink cover letters, because those are really terrible."

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