Sunday, August 6, 2023



"Nevertheless, I believe that there's so much we need to do and can do to make AI sustainable and humanistic. We need to make AI smaller, to democratize it. And we need to make AI safer by teaching human norms and values..."

Same is true for the Next Generation... If we fail to teach human norms and values to our kids, we will end up in a situation where AI-dependent generation will lookup everything on Chat GPT which could be intelligent but never Humane as it would be the sophisticated version of Machine Learning and not cognizance of Collective Wisdom - the privilege of mankind. 

This is neither criticism nor skepticism but a warning alarm of what future holds for us if we do not realize its implications at a macro level. 

Let us Be Aware...!

1 comment:

  1. Family suffering, income dropped by 90 per cent: 22-year-old Kolkata girl after losing job to ChatGPT
