Thursday, May 16, 2019


We are products of logic driven by emotion. Had it not been for emotions, EQ would have not mattered more than IQ when it comes to leading a successful, content and enriched life. Incivility indeed is a red flag that obstructs the holistic development of human mind and reach its potential. As the say, 'It's all in mind...', small acts of disrespect or demeaning and belittling anyone for any petty or even sizable reason will leave a scar on the hurt mind and nobody would be able to foresee what that scar can turn out to be over a period. Most of the crimes including terrorism have their roots in the 'treatment' to an individual in its self-concept forming period.

Ultimately it becomes very important to understand and act on the wise words of a learned soul like Maya Angelou when she says,
"I've learned that 
 people will forget what you said, 
people will forget what you did, 
but people will never forget 

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