Friday, November 23, 2018


Sustainability is not a Quick-fix, its a Culture. And Culture needs to be cultivated, developed and imbibed with a top-down approach. Why Top-Down Approach...? Because it is the TOP where Policy Decisions are made. Art and Science of Politics is about taking a stand for the People with inclusive, far-reaching and proactive policies that would affect not just the present but all the future generations to come. It is not the dirty game or a power-play it is a responsibility higher to any other individual responsibility reinforced with Ethics, Empathy, Environmental and Economical Balance.

Bhutan, a tiny but 'rich' nation with a tallest standing when it comes to sustainability, got rid of GDP long ago and embraced GNH - Gross National Happiness - an unprecedented measure that the World should lookup to for all its proactive, practical and political purposes.

There's sure a lot to learn from this tiny settlement that never boasted on 'Democracy' neither craved for a 'Developed' status but continued to take the path that it believed in wholeheartedly - by taking along each and every citizen of it.

'World Leaders' should get a hint, I guess...!

Way to go...

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