Monday, July 23, 2018


"...I never set out to be a diversity advocate. I am a business advisor. But now my goal is to change the face of leadership, to make it more diverse -- and not so that leaders can check a box and feel like they have complied with something or they have been politically correct. But because they understand, they understand that diversity is making their organization more innovative, better. And by embracing diversity, by embracing diverse talent, we are providing true opportunity for everyone..."

'Variety is the spice of life...' they say, agree and prefer when it is about personal choices of individual lifestyle, but diversity - bio-diversity or diversity in leadership, when it comes to socioeconomic sphere, is not welcomed in general, let alone as the 'tool of innovation.' We need to transcend this mindset for development of a loving and caring society as, it was the 'woman' who took the initiative to 'settle' and added the adjective of 'social' to the otherwise 'animal' wandering in woods. The first ever innovation was to have a home on which the entire development of modern living is based!

Way to go...!

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