Sunday, June 10, 2018


Few years ago when I used to send 'Daily Mails' to about 1000 readers that had some anecdotes, concerns, incidences, insights and lessons of a sort; one of the most popular mail I can remember of was about the story of a Bronze Rat which you can read here; I recommend that you read it first to set the context of what Brett is sharing in the video.

Well, the story about the San Francisco Rat was humorous yet sarcastic and didn't actually offered any real workable solution to the replacement of the politicians, if we the people could do it somehow. Brett seems to have the answer...

Considering the fact that being a Hungarian and talking to the Hungarian people in Hungary, Brett makes his proposition look not only  logical and sensible, but also almost doable with examples of experiments about it around the world he cites. However it seems like a distant dream in this part of the world with the status-quo, we must not lose hope all the same as, it is only HOPE that could bring transformation and change the things for better.

"But in practice, it's [ideal of democracy] not working. And that's the second question. Our politics is broken, our politicians aren't trusted, and the political system is distorted by powerful vested interests..."

"It would not be government by public opinion poll. It would not be government by referendum. These informed, deliberating people would move beyond public opinion to the making of public judgments..."

"We can experiment with sortition. We can introduce it to schools and workplaces and other institutions, like Democracy In Practice is doing in Bolivia. We can hold policy juries and citizens' assemblies, like the new Democracy Foundation is doing in Australia, like the Jefferson Center is doing in the US and like the Irish government is doing right now. We could build a social movement demanding change, which is what the Sortition Foundation is doing in the UK. And at some point, we should institute it..."

"I have hope. Here in Hungary [in India], systems have been created, and systems have been torn down and replaced in the past.Change can and does happen. It's just a matter of when and how..."

Indeed...! Way to go...

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