Sunday, January 28, 2018


"The future lies with the democratization of energy. Every household a proud producer as well as consumer of energy, that's the democracy of energy." - Amar Inamdar

In complete agreement with the baseline of this idea, I always believed that any being that consumes, can contribute and this basic democratic idea is reflected in all my work here and there. For example, see this recent submission for 'Clean Energy Lab for Not-Profits' incubation program contest.

The Clean Energy Lab is India’s first incubation program to support high potential ideas for creating research and evidence based large scale policy impact in clean energy invited exceptional ideas to create policy action on clean energy in India. I was one of the participants who presented their ‘Clean Energy Idea’ and my idea based on ‘basics’ and ‘democratization’ supported by ‘innovation’ and ‘smart data’ couldn’t make it to the final 5, though; here's the Hypothesis I presented as preamble of my idea - A Hypothesis of Clean Energy Lab Fellow

Way to go...!

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