Friday, October 13, 2017


According to a study and survey of the global job market, 50% of tomorrow’s jobs do not exist today, 30% of yesterday’s jobs have become obsolete and only 20% of today’s jobs are likely to sustain the speed and dynamics of technological and other developments for couple of years, if at all.

In near future, barring the jobs requiring physical labor, all Knowledge Workers would be dealing with the problems that the world has not witnessed yet. This will demand a fundamental ability developed in all the aspirants – ability to learn new things and master them quickly... being ‘Agile’ and think on their feet. Training, developing others and delegating would be the close second ability that would be sought in the entrants who look forward to grab the opportunity and scale new heights on their career path.

An Architect, a Businessman, a Doctor, an Industrialist, a Lawyer, a Politician or even a Criminal; all are Human Beings – products of logic driven by emotions – only if the EQ is developed equally and properly in all our fellow men. In today’s explosive digital world any information is available at the click of a button and hence any ‘knowledge’ as such is not a sacred commodity anymore locked in unreachable scriptures – it is almost free and easily accessible to anyone seeking it with passion and patience.

For mastering any skill, practice is the only option which is not a herculean task for a committed soul. So what remains after learning some skill from pool of available knowledge resources and mastering it with disciplined effort, is its application for its best potential. Such application should principally be governed by self-awareness, social-awareness, responsibility and principles of sustainability.

All these traits are developed only if they are cultivated properly at the early stage of formation of self-concept, typically a period when a child attends school and is made to learn all other subjects with ready-made solutions… what an irony! And instead of addressing the fundamental issue(s); quick-fixes are offered and applied to patch-up the broken structure!

No matter what profession or occupation one selects, what business or industry one runs or in what sector one offers its intellectual or other services; the bottom-line would always be same – as it has been since the beginning of trade and economy – it would be a business of People, for the People, by the People. Appropriate human interaction and dealing with people of all types, sorts, characters and temperaments is inevitable for any human being to be successful in its endeavor for all practical purposes. This underlines the importance of certain soft skills like communication, creativity, empathy, delegation and leadership.

Unfortunately these skills or traits do not make it to the list of Subjects or topics taught in any traditional educational institution OR such type of institutes that never needed an additional subject of ‘Value Education’ and were committed to developing a holistic personality by their virtue of existence, have become distant past, alas!

Although, it is neither feasible nor advisable to turn the clock of time backwards or transform the education system overnight; however this inevitability of the current education system must be provided with supplements if it is expected to produce breathing humans who are sensitive to their surrounding, understand not only market dynamics but also the implications of their decision and show the empathy to take responsibility of their actions and endeavors – voluntarily and not as compliance of any Act or Law – and not the tools for consumerism or the machines for mass production and mammoth consumption for the profit maximization that uplifts the GDP by any means!

The first Protein Supplement that would wake-up and shake-up the system would be Awareness Campaigns followed by Counseling Sessions and concluded with Interactive Workshops – for all 3 elements of the system – Parents, Teachers and Students.

Awareness Campaign will take the people through a journey of where we have come from to where are we headed? Counseling Sessions would try to enlighten them about what to expect and why to expect it. And Interactive Workshops would show them the way to do it and do it effectively for consistency and sustainability.

Initially it could be done in small chunks of 60 – 75 – 90 min sessions of small groups of about 20 to 40 people and gradually it would develop into regular activity at various centers with predefined objectives, timeline, outcomes and evaluation.

This is going to be big and if you want to be part of it, get in touch on –

Let’s give our Children what they deserve… Dreams, Wings and FUTURE!

Way to go…

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