Tuesday, September 5, 2017


After years of filmy courtroom ‘dramas’, lately Indian cinema got some real courtroom ‘actions’ that were as convincing as reassuring; Jolly LLB II topping the list. Apart from excellent performances by Akshay Kumar and Annu Kapoor, the film concludes on a positive note and the Verdict Speech by Justice Tripathy - Saurabh Shukla at peak of his performance - ends it on a high note. In this speech the Honorable Judge mentions a fact that in spite of the pathetic condition of the courtrooms and deficient number of Judges vis-à-vis the pending cases, all Indian citizens have unwavering confidence in the Judicial system compared to Administrative and Legislative systems for, in smallest of the dispute and deceit, we hear a common expression… “I will see you in the court!”

Indeed the common man has deep faith in and respect for the judicial system as the last resort when it comes to any kind of injustice. No matter how long the ‘case’ goes on with ‘Tareekh Pe Tareekh’, no appellant looses hope as he or she believes wholeheartedly that ‘Bhagwanke Ghar Der Hai, Andher Nahi…’ In God’s Command there could be Delay but not Denial – to justice! This faith of millions puts the onus on the Judiciary and raises its responsibility to a great level. Why all this becomes note-worthy and suddenly relevant today is the past month that witnessed 3 historical Judgments by the Honorable Supreme Court of India, a matter of proud for every Indian indeed!

The Supreme Court struck down the validity of instant Triple Talaq setting it aside by terming it unconstitutional on 22 Aug 2017. On 24 Aug 2017 SC declared that the Right to Privacy is now a Fundamental Right and is protected under Article 21 of the Constitution. 28 Aug 2017 saw justice being made to the victims in a 15 year old case against the self-proclaimed Baba Ram Rahim Singh Insan, Chief of Dera Sachha Sauda, when the accused was sent to jail for 20 long years. There were stories of his ‘supporters’ causing harm to the public property and disturbing the law and order in the vicinity. His supporters were so great in numbers that their sheer number explained system’s espousal of him, and many more such Babas, in world’s largest Democratic country!

Although these reassuring and positive judgments by the Supreme Court is a welcome change showing the real strength, power and position of the Judiciary against all other systems – certainly a thing to celebrate – what is more essential is to read between the lines of those judgments. While all three rulings underline the dignity of a human being living in an Independent Nation of the world; they also make a comment on the submissive character of those who surrender to the system and become soft-targets and vulnerable victims for their oppressor(s). This conspiracy and unethical alliance of forces that want to govern the masses needs to be understood and questioned from time to time to keep the system in check. Government, Corporations, Institutions, Organizations, Religious and other Establishments, Cults and Sects or any other governing system based on some value system (supposedly!) for that matter, must facilitate the living of its ‘subjects’ and should not make it subjects the means of its own facilitation! The Mother Monkey in the Isapniti story was a Monkey and we have evolved from that stage long ago.

But for this, questions should be asked to and clarifications should be demanded from the Administrators of the system, keeping in mind that they are just the facilitators of the system built for the people and not the rulers of the people. Asking questions, particularly demanding and disquieting, is a difficult and dangerous job… sometimes even life threatening. But as they say, ‘Honesty is a very expensive gift; don’t expect it from cheap people…’ Being honest is hard, difficult and expensive, but then it’s always your choice… Do you want to feed the wolves or protect the dear(s)!

Whenever you make up your mind and ready to go, you are most welcome to join… Way to go!

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