Wednesday, May 4, 2016


A farmer asked his son to work every day at his farm.

His friend said to him, “You do not have to make your son work so hard. You know it very well that the crops would grow just as good…!"

The wise farmer replied, “I am not cultivating my crops, but my child…!"

- That’s called discipline

The baby mosquito went for its first ever ‘flight’.

On returning parent mosquitoes asked him, “How was your trip?”

Baby mosquito replied, “It was great! Everybody was clapping for me…!”

- That’s called attitude

Once upon a time there was a childless King who wanted to choose a worthy successor to his throne after he passed away. He called all the young children in his kingdom to his palace one day and said, “It has come time for me to choose the next King. I have decided to choose one of you as my successor, as my Crown Prince, and groom you to be the King after I am gone.”

The amazed children listened spellbound as the King spoke, “I am going to give each one of you a seed today – Just One Seed. It is a very special seed. I want you all to go home, plant the seed, water it, nurture it, and come back here to me exactly one year from today with the plant you have grown from this one seed. I will then judge the plants that you bring to me and whoever grows the best plant will be the Crown Prince, the next King after me.”

After a year has passed, the King escorted a small shy boy to the throne and said to everyone, “One year ago I gave all of you a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But what you did not know is that I gave you all boiled seeds that would not grow. Except this honest boy, all of you have brought me beautiful plants with exotic flowers and even trees with fruit. When you found out that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. This boy was the only one with the sincerity to nurture the barren seed for one whole year with dedication, hope and perseverance and had the courage and honesty to bring me the desolate pot with my seed in it. Therefore, I select him as my Crown Prince to be the next King...!”

- That’s called integrity

Only Integrity with a Attitude of Discipline would take you there... 

Way to go...

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