Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Third Eye…!

If anybody says that there are 3 sides to a coin, rest of the pseudo-intellectuals would think of that crazy soul as too leftist to be right but neutral! It is believed that there are only 2 sides to a coin or anything, for that matter, in general and for something that makes headlines, in particular. If you can’t take sides you don’t even count, for it is the number game after all and one side ought to outweigh the other to ‘win’, you know! The ‘Independent’ people is the true minority in the largest democracy of the world and such a minority that never demands ‘Reservation’ or ‘Freedom’ of anything from any-body but strives to take all its fellow citizens to a level plane where they can cognize with empathy, reason with rationale and respond with vision, not just enthusiasm, fervor or wit.

Anything in the universe under the Sun has 3 dimensions and so do the incidences or happenings. There are always 3 sides to a ‘Story’… teller’s, listener’s and the TRUTH, just like a coin that, besides 2 sides, has an edge! (At times, the coin tossed in the air lands and stands on the edge… Ref.: Sholay!) Now some of the party-people might find fundamental flaw in this statement questioning the absoluteness or authenticity of the truth, claiming it to be more of a philosophical nature than practical. Few others might find the ‘Truth’ to be adulterated, inspired or sponsored and hence unacceptable to be granted as the perspective to look at things in question. However, this entire discussion is based on the common understanding and acceptance of the fact that there is ‘Truth’ beyond everything else that has an ability to transcend all the arguments including its own denial or underestimation.

In the world of oversimplification of matters where people are ready with labels to be put on you the moment you express something even completely irrelevant to the context, let us try to simplify this ToT – Theory of Truth by the popular mystical and enigmatic concept of The Third Eye. Apart from the Hindu mythological stories related to it of Lord Shiva who is believed to open his Third Eye during the Tandav and burn everything around him, Third Eye is regarded as the speculative invisible eye that provides perception beyond ordinary sight. People who are claimed to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers. The most interesting part is, according to the Christian teaching of Father Richard Rohr, the concept of the third eye is a metaphor for non-dualistic thinking! In Rohr's concept, seers employ the first eye (sensory input such as sight) and the second eye (the eye of reason and reflection) but they know not to confuse knowledge with depth or mere correct information with the transformation of consciousness itself. Absolutely profound...!

The reference that triggered this entire hypothesis of truth was the recent commotion at JNU about which Prof. Makarand Paranjape tried to take a neutral stance and make it a point to look at the entire episode from a rationalist way without coloring anything in any color as he was portrayed ‘notoriety’ by some of his colleagues. I found the sincerity in Professor Paranjape’s statements about Independent thinking and having your own principles and beliefs without surrendering to any side or party for that matter, quite appealing. This is what valuing and practicing ‘Democracy’ is as far as my knowledge and belief of human evolution and democratic republic is concerned.

I would like to share a poem 'Dilemma...!' in this context that is very close to my heart which resonate our feelings and disposition appropriately, I believe! Way to go...

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