Saturday, February 20, 2016


When she was born, they celebrated her birth claiming to be the avant-garde making no difference in a boy and a girl, ‘both deserve same love, respect and merry childhood’; they said… she said nothing!

She was sent to the English school with boys so that she should not feel inferior or left behind in the rush of development riding on the New Age Learning to make most of her potential… she said nothing!

She was expected to learn from her mother all the daily chores as ultimately she has to start, develop and manage a family by showing all the culture and ritual as it might come… she said nothing!

Once she passed all school exams with flying colors won almost all competitions she participated in, it was decided to send her for higher education to make her an Independent Woman… she said nothing!

She finished her higher education and returned with all her Masters and Post graduate degrees, it was decided for her to take a lucrative job because entrepreneurship is not for women… she said nothing!

While she was adjusting to the fat-pay job with lots of responsibilities, commitments and even a few compromises, they thought it was high time that she should get married… she said nothing!

The most eligible bachelor matching her profile and social status was hunted down as she deserved nothing but the best and the knot was tied by balancing both the sides… she said nothing!

It was hardly few months she was trying to set into the new atmosphere and understand the dynamics of new relations expecting a lot from her, she was persuaded to start a family… she said nothing!

Not ready to compromise his career in lieu of parenthood, he said that it would be entirely her responsibility to bear a child, preferably male, and raise it without bothering him… she said nothing!

It was not convenient for his parents to take care of her in those days of pregnancy as they were inexperienced; she was taken to her mother’s house for better nutrition… she said nothing!

She gave birth to a beautiful fairy and felt completely content for the very first time in her life and when she heard the murmur ‘It’s OK! Even a girl is acceptable as First Child…’ she said ‘ENOUGH!’

And they, all of them, in a chorus, at the pitch of their voices whispered… ‘Intolerant!’

Who is SHE?

Your Sister, My Daughter, Our Mother India or… 


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