Monday, April 20, 2015


Shivaji Trail, a 20 years old Fort Restoration Group of Pune is engaged in various Fort Restoration activities on no. of forts all around Maharashtra, spreading it's wings to other states of India with its flagship initiative for 19 years - Durg-pooja! My association with Shivaji Trail as Consultant soon converted into the Advisory Board Member and I found myself leading the 'Vishwakarma' Subha that is meant for documentation of the forts where the restoration works are either in progress or planned for in near future.

To appropriately commence this Documentation Drive, a relatively small and comparatively newer Malhargad was selected and the measurement work for the detailed survey to follow was commenced on Sunday, 19 Apr 2015, marking the beginning of this ambitious project 'Vishwakarma' that aims to document as many fort as possible to the as finest detail as possible. Way to go...!

Please visit following links for additional info and photographs of the drive. Thanks.

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