Wednesday, March 18, 2015


What a rotten and sickening society we live in. We arrange marriages based on the color, cast and ‘culture’ by leaving no stone unturned to make it as flashy as possible. We prefer to spend a fortune on a marriage ceremony making it the status symbol rather than a ritual to uphold the civilized constitution. We also make sure that the Father-of-the-bride is put under excessive pressure that he will reckon for rest of his life and will make an example for father of all the daughters to be prepared and live up to the expectations of the society from them. Once this eventful ceremony is depicted well, we wait for the birth cry of a… Boy! 

'No, we are not conservative or anything… we are just conformist, you know! We had such a great family history (it is almost dynastic after all), it’s quite obvious and natural and perfectly fair to expect a Son who will rule the throne, isn’t it? 

‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ is all good for the poor ignorant village folks. Unlike us culture-rich, well-educated and decently brought-up urbane, they neither understand the importance of a girl child nor have any inheritance to leave for a boy. 

Yes, it’s a boy… Thank GOD! Now we will raise him like nobody ever did for their offspring in the history of mankind. It’s OUR Son and the ONLY Heir to a majestic family tree, you know. We will put him through all the tutoring, coaching, PD and Skill Development classes so that he would not get behind in the competition that has become so fierce these days.

Career choice…? How you could ask such a silly question, we wonder! By all means he would go for Engineering or Medical, is there any other option? We have done everything that takes to build a career of an Indian Boy. Now would it be unfair to expect that he gets a career that is lucrative, secured, recession-proof and mainly foreign funded? We don’t think so. 

Ah… you are going to give us all that Patriotism and Think Rational, Think National crap, aren’t you? Don’t think that we never thought of our son serving to the nation and even considered that IAS option for a while and for a change, you know. But after witnessing what Kejriwal had made of himself and what Durga Shakti Ngpal was forced to go through, we reconsidered that sentimental thought for a sensible one. Who would like their strategically and dearly brought-up children to end up being a Arvind or a Durga or a… what’s his name?

That young IAS, ‘upright’ as they called him, officer from Bangalore… D. K. Ravi, right? Yes, it was good that he was doing righteous things for common good and we surely admire and respect his intentions. And that’s why we protested and called a Bandh and all that to show how we loved him. What else could we do…? We don’t take decisions around here, do we?'

Can’t we…!?! How many more D K Ravi would it take before we start a real REFORM...?

Stay tuned and Be Aware...!

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