Thursday, June 5, 2014

Environment Day...!

I sent the following email to my readers on 5th June 2009 on 'Environment Day'. Nothing much has changed in 5 years and the message is still relevant, why, even more significant today...! 

Dear All,

Today 5th June 2009 is Environment Day. It's already high time for everybody to understand and act to save our planet!

Modifying a little to the old phrase we now say “A S(t)witch (off) in time saves nine!"

The least thing we can do to contribute to this cause is promoting and supporting e-transmittal to avoid printing unless it is absolutely essential and comprehensive use of papers by using both sides of the paper.

One more directive would be getting more organized and disciplined by focusing on conservation of Time, Energy, Water and all other resources which in turn will help save the planet!

Wishing you all a better, greener and healthy tomorrow!

P.S. – Please check following link which might give some insights on the same!

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