Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Love... Hate...!?!

I attended this conference with lot of anticipation and I will not say I walked out empty-handed (there was material from ‘Yuva Parivartan‘ to carry along) OR empty-minded (lot of new strings were hit for the thought process) OR empty-stomach (mixture of menu with feast of typical Puneri ‘Ukadiche Modak’ was equally heavy to digest), still what kept ringing in my head till this moment is a hypothesis that said “You have to love your government as nothing concrete, long-term or impactful (I am deliberately avoiding the word ‘Sustainable’ as it seems to replace the word ‘Pyar-mohobbat’ in bollywood on the grounds of obnoxious, nauseate and completely out-of-context use of it) could be done without Government approving, supporting or being courteous about it…!

However romantic, optimistic and idealistic this hypothesis may seem, there are few questions in retrospection of this poetic theory, hence putting them forth. Anybody who has the knowledge, position or guts to answer is free to respond, I will sincerely appreciate any candid effort…!

1. Love is a reciprocal feeling and extremely powerful emotion having tremendous potential. Does (or would ever) any government understands and accepts this principle?

2. Is there any consideration of unconditional love for the government?

3. Is this philosophy based on the concept of ‘love is blind…?’

4. Does this expression mean that every positive, social, community development effort and its impact was governed and facilitated by the government?

5. Does this means to suggest that post-independence, every successful social, economical, environmental (or any other movement for that matter) or Public Interest Project by any voluntary organization was facilitated and/or favored by the government…? 

If the answer to any of the above question is positive, we are already living in a developed country with a liberal economy and social culture of equality and prosperity; there is no need for any community development activity, let alone the most ‘coveted’ and overly-hyped CSR act. And if the answer is otherwise, nothing can change the fate of this largest democracy that would be committed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

If you would like to discuss this you can find me on any of the popular social media or write to me at

Stay tuned, Be Aware and Keep Communal…!

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