Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Room Test...!?!

Q.: What is your favorite room in your home?

A. Bedroom 
B. Living room
C. Dining room
D. Bathroom
E. Kitchen
F. Balcony
G. Study or Den
H. None at all

Your answer will disclose your personality, the creator (of this test, not of the World...!) claims. So choose... no, not wisely but honestly if you want to find out who you really are...!?! And if you don't like the findings, don't blame me or the originator but try either changing the room or... yourself; the choice, as usual, is yours!

A. Bed Room: You are an imaginative and colorful character. You Believe in true love but until you find it, you'll have fun flirting. You attract people just by the way you talk. This can make insecure people feel jealous.

B. Living Room: You are sociable and enjoy talking to people. Whenever you have the opportunity, you'll help people. You don't shirk responsibility, and in fact enjoy taking on leadership roles.

C. Dining Room: You are conservative, cautious and don't panic in emergencies. You are an extrovert, and like sharing ideas with people. However, you also need to spend time alone to organize your thoughts.

D. Bath Room: You take good care of yourself and are concerned about your health. When you hear about any new illnesses, you start watching out for the first symptoms to appear. This can sometimes annoy your friends. However, you look at the world on the bright side, and this makes you quite popular.

E. Kitchen: Easygoing and altruistic, you are most happy when taking care of others. While at times you can be boisterous, you make people feel comfortable around you and they always seek your advice when they have problems.

F. Balcony: You love freedom and hate to be controlled. You want to walk away from all the rules and rely on your imagination to direct your life instead. When you need to reenergize yourself, you head to thebeach or to the forest.

G. Study or den: You take life seriously and like things to be neat and in order. Proud and dignified, you don't like to be mocked. You are a good listener even when you disagree with other people's ideas.

H. None at all: You are interested in the people around you and don't pay much heed to material goods. You are helpful and considerate to your family, and in return they love you dearly.

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