Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Well, well, well… so that’s it! Lot of research and discussions… Enthusiasm of Application… Excitement with the batch-mates in the 36 Hours Workshop… Enlightenment by the able and a little sarcastic facilitator… 40 days of rigorous preparation… Exhausting and hectic ST Bus travel of 12 hours in a day… Showering Mumbai Monsoon at its worst… Pathetic transport conditions and arrogant and indifferent local transporters… No time to grab a quick bite, a tea or a fag for 12 hours… and a test actually testing not only the Knowledge and Skills but the Serenity as well… WHAT NOT…!?!
But after all the labour-pains a baby-cry is the reward! I was more concerned than confident when I hit the ‘End Exam’ button. The 10 seconds before the next screen felt like insensate eternity until I saw the words ‘Congratulations’ that brought me back to the mortal world in the moment of bliss…! Here’s the reward of this little ambitious initiative I undertook…

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