Saturday, May 11, 2013


Fear is one of the major blocking obstacles against our success. We tend to compromise with our circumstances and prefer to continue our status quo condition because we are afraid of committing to unknown. Since we lack in courage we cannot move forward in our life with liberty.

On the other hand successful people are those who take risks in life. Successful people understand that taking risks will lead them experience new horizons in their field, will give them more vision and more confidence, give them wisdom and success by exposing them to more and more challenges and consequently help them achieve their dreams. Such people keep taking new risks in order to achieve what they want to achieve. Whenever there is a doubtful situation they take the next baby step in order to determine whether it is fine to move ahead. In case they fail, they take one step back and re-determine their direction using their analytical skills.

So if we would like to live a successful life, we must defeat our fears. The reasons for being under the clouds of fear might be because of several doubts or unanswered questions in your mind.  Today let us try to find some possible answers to our impossible fears…

Question: Do I have enough info in making this decision?
Answer: I may or may not have the full information as of now. However I can gather all the facts by consulting the right professionals, by reading books, by discussing with my friends and well-wishers, by posting my questions to online forums, by studying the market and by taking advice from experienced people. Once I have collected all the information, I will write it on a piece of paper; positive points on one side and negative points on another side. Now I will read them slowly with full focus. Once done, I am all set for making the decision.

Question: What if I fail?
Answer: I consider the worst case scenario as this gives me inner strength and makes me prepared for it. However if the worst case as per my thinking is a serious disaster then I reduce my risk by reducing my goals, investments, energies, efforts and so on. I change some of the points from my original plan and re-asses the worst case.

Question: Do I have the capability to do it:
Answer: I check if I can learn it by reading, training, counselling or brainstorming. I believe in my inner powers. I list down the capabilities required for a specific task and start polishing myself in each domain one by one. This takes long time, I know; but once I learn and polish my skills I will be able to make wonders in my domain, I know for sure.
Question: What will people say?
Answer: People will comment any way. It’s my life and I have all the authority to do what I want to do in order to achieve what I want to achieve. I never worry about social factors; instead I focus on my plans and decisions. Evil social factors die their death one by one once I start producing the results. I strengthen my thoughts, avoid the unnecessary criticism and I am able to set new trends in my domain.

Everyone is afraid of failures but your failures do not define you, your effort does...! Ordinary people see things as they happen while EXTRA-ordinary people make things happen with that EXTRA effort.
Stay tuned and go for the EXTRA…!



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