Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Just Ruler...!

Today is Shiv Jayanti, Birth Anniversary of the Great Maratha ruler Kshatriya Kulavantas Sinhasanadheeshwar Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. On this occasion let us try to learn few lessons from his timeless character as a Janata Raja - The Considerate King!


The pattern of administration, Shivaji followed was democratic. In his time period, the concept of "democracy" was at least 100 years in the future. Nonetheless, his policies were clearly promoting welfare of the common people at the expense of the entrenched feudal system.


He also showcased paternalistic leadership. Shivaji is known for his protective and fatherly attitude towards his citizens. He is remembered till date as a hero who worked for the welfare of his subjects and state. This kind of a leader knows what is hurting his people and then devises a strategy that will help them achieve their goals against seemingly insurmountable odds. This is how he worked his "magic". Shivaji inspired common people to succeed against overwhelming odds. In Shivaji’s times, 90% of the civilians were farmers. They lived in constant fear of losing their income, their property, their life or their women’s dignity to the whims of their rulers. Shivaji was well-tuned to the aspirations and fears of these common people

Treated Women with Dignity

He protected women’s dignity, especially against those in power, by swiftly and severely punishing those found to be guilty of such crimes. When he was only 15, prior to winning even his first fort, he severely punished a "Patil" a village chief for raping a farmer’s daughter in his town. Shivaji’s last known act of women’s protection occurred when he punished his chief of a military campaign for raping his enemy commander.

Fair administration

Shivaji established a fair system of taxation on farm incomes and employed civilians to collect taxes. This act established supremacy of civilians over military might. He also established a series of granaries and a system of affordable loans for farmers in need.

Despised Discrimination

Shivaji promoted common people based on their qualifications. Naturally a majority of his officers were Hindus, but a number of Muslims also held key positions: chief of artillery, chief of navy as well as diplomats. When Shivaji visited Agra to attend Aurangzeb’s 50th birthday celebration, his most trusted body guard was Madari Mehtar a Muslim teenager! What was the result of all this? Common citizen had much to gain by helping Shivaji and theyfought for their cause against two mighty but tyrannical empires with valor and tenacity. A large majority of Shivaji’s "jewels" were "commoners" with little or no prior military experience barbers, farmers, clerks and so on.


Ahead of time Thinking

A manager knows his people’s strengths and weaknesses, and ensures to utilize these for furthering his vision. As defined by a very capable diplomat, Arya Chanakya, Shivaji was a "true king" since he was forever striving to further the welfare of his people.Examples: In any organization, now as well as then, there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who occupy chairs. In Shivaji’s times, the chair occupiers, called Vatanadar, ruled by accident of birth. They were often tyrannical. Shivaji labelled them "enemies of the nation", that is, rajyache dayadach. He wrote a special chapter on techniques for dealing with them in his book of policies, called adnyapatre.

Support to traders

Shivaji promoted commerce by providing businessmen with choice locations at discount prices as well as tax concessions. His motto was, Sahukar he to rajyache bhushan (Business people are jewels of a nation).

Origin of the cabinet

Shivaji was an efficient ruler and administrator and ruled with a just and firm hand. His government had concepts that we know of now like the Cabinet known as Ashtapradhan Mandal, foreign affairs known as Dabir and also an internal intelligence wing.

Naval Force

Shivaji was the first Indian king to cultivate navy in addition to acquiring land. He had 3shipyards, hundreds of frigates and many sea forts. He controlled over 300 miles of coastline. Shivaji gave detailed instructions for running a safe military camp just a few months before his coronation. The very first shopping mall in the world is in Raigad. It was a drive-through mall except, of course, you rode a horse.

All these Character Traits and Administrative Principles are more relevant today than around 400 years ago, aren’t they? Will our Politicians learn some lessons...!?!

Ref.: http://www.scribd.com/doc/64401335/Shivaji-Maharaj-and-His-Management-by-Hite...

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