Thursday, January 17, 2013


There is an ancient Chinese proverb that goes

“When the wind of change blows, some people build walls,

Change can cause people to become frightened.  They want to stay with what’s known even when it’s rendered obsolete.
Life teaches us that the only constant is change.  We make changes all the time, some big and some small.  The big changes may be frightening because they mean that life will never be exactly the same.
Living esteem daily makes us capable of allowing changes to come into our life.  Integrating esteem into our life makes us self-confident and balanced.  Having such a strong self-esteem we don’t fear change, especially change which is necessary to bring us further in our life.
Esteem transforms us into people who build windmills when the wind of change blows because we know that besides change there is another great constant moment of our life: it’s esteem.

Posted by Cecilia under: Art and Culture on Esteem News

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