Saturday, January 26, 2013

Democratic Republic...!

Today after so many years I attended the celebration ceremony of Republic day of India at my daughter’s school. This was only the second time I visited her school, first being at the time of her admission in Junior KG 11 years ago…! That doesn’t make be a bad or uncaring parent as my practically smart spouse is shouldering all the responsibility of my daughter’s schooling and everything, cheerfully. A woman understands a woman better, I guess and that is not the subject matter of this post anyway!

It was an extremely exciting, enthralling and overwhelming experience for n no. of things this morning…

1.       It was almost 21 years or so I joined the Republic Day Celebration personally… what a shame, I know!

2.       I missed all those years I spent as a student and what a bubbling proud student of my school.

3.       I deeply regretted not coming to my daughter’s school for all these years.

4.       The atmosphere at school was mesmerizing with the charm and enthusiasm of the youngsters.

5.       I can see the light at the end of the tunnel…!

Some sad and disquieting observations…

1.       Only the parents whose pupils were participating in a performance tend to attend. This applies to me as well and we need to think over it… why is it so and what could be done?

2.       Parents were interested only is seeing their pupil perform and were absolutely reluctant to pay attention to anything else including Chief Guest’s Address to the audience. This does not apply to me at all.

3.       Parents lacked the discipline completely and even showed indifference by causing disturbance to the proceedings. Again I was the exception here.

4.       The little smart girl anchoring the whole program was a delight to watch but it was pathetic to see the unresponsive attitude of parents towards her requests, specially after every performance or event she has to ask the audience to appreciate it with applaud. May be the audience has lost the sense that they were watching it ‘LIVE’ and not on their Stupid Box.

5.       Nobody thought of congratulating the Principal and Teachers of the school for putting all this so nicely together OR thanking the Chief Guest as he was Retired Major General who fought wars for us – the Indians. I did. I will even write to them to express my feelings, in time.


The encouraging and uplifting things and messages of the event…

1.       Girl’s initiative and contribution is heartening and Major even expressed a threat to boys to become more active and math-up with the girls. What a revolutionary thing for INDIA!

2.       Major also reminded the youngsters that they are fortunate 15% who has the privilege of having such a school for their overall development. 85% of Indian children are deprived of it.

3.       Major appealed to the youngsters to ‘Vote’ sensibly as our entire constitution is based on democracy and we cannot do without the politicians. Will Pakistan learn something?

4.       The entire even was conducted and performed by the students and teacher’ participation was just facilitating the activities by keeping in the background. What a perfect lesson for all the Senior as well as ‘Junior’ citizens…!

5.       We are not done yet… these 15% will bring along the remaining 85% and we would see the Bharat Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore envisaged once…!

Jai Hind!

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