Friday, December 28, 2012

Resolution 20-13...!

Today is last working day of the year 2012 or is it Monday the 31st of DEC...? Well, technically and officially it is but psychologically and philosophically it couldn’t be for the simple reason – we are not conditioned to consider any Monday as the last day – just like we are never taught to love anything and anybody unconditionally! Anyway, let’s get back to the point and this is not about ‘New Year Resolutions’, mind you. That has become quite a cliché and has lost its meaning as well as purpose.


I don’t know about you but I have decided following things as my routine – not resolution – for the year 2013. I am not suggesting that you should follow them or respect them, least you can do is you can learn from them and may find some inspiration, who knows! By the way it is not a copyrighted or patented material so please feel free to use, share, distribute or even brainstorm it...! 


1.       Review last year’s ‘wish-list’ and see what else could be eliminated further from it.

2.       Continue the morning yoga without fail irrespective of the location, condition or situation.

3.       Learn at least three more things that has never attempted yet, swimming could be one.

4.       Help at least three more people to understand, analyze, organize and manage their being.

5.       Keep writing all the answers, blogs, comments and discussions on all social media regularly.

6.       Reach out to more and more people to spread the awareness of being and stir their conscious.

7.       Accept a project that would be good learning experience and still be beneficial to the sponsor.

8.       Visit one more country to learn their culture and sense of being, Thailand was great experience.

9.       Meditate more to gain even better control over the emotions, feelings, impulses and reactions.

10.   Socialize more to train the mind to understand other people’s point of view and respect it, however irrational or ‘imperfect’ it may seem.

11.   Make more presentations and conduct more seminars/workshops for broader audience and objectives.

12.   Stop expecting anybody or anything to be ‘perfect’ or ‘as-you-prefer-it-to-be’, this will not only help you feel comfortable but will also soothe the situation.

13.   Watch more theatre on stage, films in Cinema hall and ‘BUY’ some books to read that will grace the library like ‘BECAUSE HE IS’ by Meghna Gulzar.

14.   Enjoy few, if not all, weekends by outing with family and friends to develop that connect and strengthen the relation.

15.   Spend a long vacation with the people I want to be with and not have to be with.

16.   Lead the team by way of education and realization and not by rules and regulation.

17.   Control the tendency of being judgemental, try being more and more fundamental.

18.   Accept the things that are beyond your control and stop grieving for them.

19.   Develop the material for the ‘School of Being’.

20.   Live the life to fullest... in a natural way.

21.   Continue being myself...!  


Why I stopped here? Have I run out of idea or words? Or do I think this is more than enough for a year? No... none of it is true. The reason I closed it at 21 is I love the golden rule of 21 which is applicable in the 21st Century more than ever. And 21 is the age a person hardly forgets in his entire life, I believe...!


Keep 21, Be Aware and Have A Wonderful New Year 2013!

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