Tuesday, December 25, 2012


In the United States, the fiscal cliff is a term used to refer to the economic effects that could result from tax increases, spending cuts and a corresponding reduction in the US budget deficit beginning in 2013, if existing laws are not changed by the end of 2012. The deficit—the difference between what the government takes in and what it spends—is projected to be reduced by roughly half through 2022, although the Congressional Budget Office estimates this will probably lead to a mild recession in early 2013. This sharp decrease in the deficit in such a short period of time has come to be known as the fiscal cliff.


Well, that is about America the powerful country on the face of the earth in more than one sense. Good or bad is another story. The people who have ‘Sale’ as national unanimous policy could be concerned about this imminent ‘economic’ development. What about the global citizen? What about the girl in a remote village of some underdeveloped and underprivileged country.


Thinking from part to whole, for the world as whole it is not only fiscal cliff, it is far more serious and threatening than that... A moral cliff! Exactly the opposite if I can say so. Right on the lines of the explanation of fiscal cliff if we try to define the moral cliff it would be “The consciousness effects that could result from greed increases, value cuts and a corresponding reduction in the living beginning in 2013, if existing practices are not changed by the end of 2012. The deficit—the difference between what the human contributes and what it consumes—is projected to be reduced by roughly half through 2022. This sharp decrease in the values vis-à-vis the price in such a short period of time would be known as the moral cliff”.    


So what do you do to counter this moral cliff?


Actually the answer is very simple to propose and extremely difficult to compose... Ask questions, collect answers, organize resources and take action. That is what you will do if you’re lost in an unfamiliar place, won’t you?


This simple one-line-four-part policy could actually save you. By the way don’t worry about saving the planet; it was there trillions of years before you and it will be there zillions of years after you. Moreover it has all the capabilities and conditions to sustain the entire cosmic phenomenon happening around it incessantly. If that wouldn’t have been the case, it would have not come into existence in first place. So stop crying to save the earth and save your species and others too if you are sensitive enough. The weirdest thing about it is, the moment humans cease to exist on earth it would not only recover itself but would be healthier, richer and greener in matter of months if not days...!


Now the interesting part is... where is the questionnaire I can refer to ask the questions? Although it is a vast and probably unending list for individual perception but in a broader and larger vision towards humanity and consciousness I am suggesting few questions here to provide an impetus.


If you are told that you will lose your memory for a certain period, would you like to go on a vacation during that period? It means – You will not remember where and how you went, what you did and what you enjoyed?


Make a sincere effort to probe into the length-breadth-depth of this question and a bunch of questions would popup at every moment of realization. This would get interesting as you keep going and rewarding only if you remain honest throughout the journey...!


Merry Christmas, Have a Wonderful Year Ahead...


Live a Fuller life, Be Aware and All the best!

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