Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Art of Listening...!

What differentiates Human from all other species...? Apart from the physiological anatomy, all other things like basic instincts and birth and death are common to all the species that breathe. However there is not a single example of any other species than Humans, not even the Apes, who has evolved faster and greater by transcending the boundaries of natural evolution by leaps and bounds. But where have they reached with this enthralling speed of development is another question though...!
There are two basic abilities gifted to humans but all other species – to be able to THINK and to be able to LISTEN. Here I would like to probe into the difference between ‘Hearing and Listening’. Hearing, keeping out the legal and administrative aspects of the term, is the ability to sense and feel any audible sound that falls on the ear membrane. It’s a different story that the interpretation of ‘Audition’ takes place in the brain and that is not our focus, at least for now.
As far as listening is concerned, I have prepared a very simple definition of my own – It is a skill through which a person I am trying to communicate to, hears to what I ‘mean‘ and not what I ‘say’, and assures me that he or she has understood what I meant exactly. Simple... isn’t it? Well, it really is if you can ‘listen’ to what I am trying to ‘mean’!
An interesting example of what people mean when they say something else is the expression ‘interesting’ itself! When a person exclaims ‘Very interesting...’ to your statement, 99 out of 100 times it means ‘That is clearly nonsense...’ and you take it as ‘They are impressed...’!
Listening forms the basis of communication – a blessing to the human beings and the foundation of civilized society we live in today. Active listening is the key to any communication and it is supported by following characteristics –
1. Attentiveness – It means alertness, concentration and energy to be willing to listen.
2. Empathy – This underlines the psychological connect with the speaker, feeling the emotions.
3. Perception – Ability to learn, understand and sense speaker’s perspective and intent.
4. Involvement – Response, feedback and agreement encourages the speaker to elaborate.
5. Generosity – Patience and sensibility to defer the judgement and reactive attitude.
The list could be bigger than this for the detailed analysis and study of ‘Listening’, but as the basics are right anything has better chances of getting fulfilled, so is communication. What good listening ensures is better communication and best possible output. This applies to anything that falls under the title of ‘communication’ but becomes most critical when it comes to business or professional communication for the simple fact that it affects the stakes of several holders at a broader level.
Most of the ambiguities, conflict, disorder and frustrations are outcomes of poor listening than inability, indifference or inefficiency of the people involved in the process. All leaders, managers and top executives has to be the best communicator than anything else as any task, process or project could be broken down to extremely simple and doable structure with the help of –
1. Objective – What needs to be achieved
2. Deadline – When it needs to be achieved
3. Methodology – What procedure to follow to achieve it
4. Resources – What resources would be needed to achieve it
5. Report – What the outcome should look like
If all these points are communicated in black and white and the ‘feedback’ is listened to at the outset, there are hardly any chances of the disarray that breaks into tantrums and panics. How many of you know that counselling is nothing but active listening...!
Stay tuned, Take care, Be aware and keep listening...!

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