Monday, November 5, 2012


Every time I reach for the newspaper in the morning, I have to put all my brains and minds in finding the news that seems dumped amidst the advertisements, mainly of real estate and automobiles. And once I am there and about to hit the ‘Eureka’ note, I am taken aback by a doubt... is it the real NEWS or someone’s VIEWS...?

It was long time Indian readers swallowed the ‘Paid NEWS’ concept and went even further to mature enough to take ‘A Few Cr. Property Advertise’ promising the-stay-in-heaven as the front-page ‘Made NEWS’ on the reputed and so called whistle-blower, socially aware and fearlessly neutral newspaper. The last hope of common man as ‘the reliable source of information’ is seen adopting a more or less strategy of its younger but more popular sibling – Television – the spoiled rich brat kind of a media that already presumed to lure the celebrities and commercials to focus the TRP and make quick bucks than understand the gravity and say loud ‘ sucks...’
Why I brought all this today as it is not the first time this has happened, I know, but what agitated me like hell for the last week was NEWS of ‘Gauri Bhosle Missing’. It turned out that the real story was something different and the Media – supposedly responsible and reliable source of information – used this NEWS for marketing and TRP and reaching the peak of being absolutely ignorant and shameless; used a profile picture of a girl from Facebook! You can read the whole story on this link.

This incidence reminded me of a Hollywood movie ‘Mad City’, brilliantly expressed by the over-sensitive Dustin Hoffman and incredible John Travolta, despite of being the most powerful film of 1997, remained most underrated.

Mad City
Finally, all I need is ‘answer’ to a disquieting question, as usual.

What really is MISSING...

1. Reliability of the media...

2. Sense and logic of the viewers...

3. Ethics and values of the sellers...

4. Cognition of the governing bodies... OR

5. Difference between Entertainment and Information OR NEWS and VIEWS...?

Stay tuned and Be Aware...!

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